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Myths In Traditional Literature


In school this week I have been learning about Traditional literature. The parts of literature are : fables, myths, folk tales, fairy tails, legends and I think that is it.  I chose to write about myths. So, today  I visited a sight I don’t know what it is called so just incase you want some  links to read more literature click here.   So, I read a myth about Thor. The story was about his hammer being stolen. Evidence of a myth is Thor can only hold his hammer and he dressed up like a princess and none of this stuff happened. In another story I read about Perseus and Medusa. In this story Medusa ha snakes for hair and turns people to stone when she looks at them this is definitely not humanly possible. Greek gods are something I do not believe because Greek gods do stuff that is not possible. Another reason I believe this is a myth is because uasually kings do not ask for head that are stone.


Myth: A widely held but false belief or idea.


P.S That definition is not my words.


My words: a false story of a idea that someone had or has.


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