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Myths In Traditional Literature


In school this week I have been learning about Traditional literature. The parts of literature are : fables, myths, folk tales, fairy tails, legends and I think that is it.  I chose to write about myths. So, today  I visited a sight I don’t know what it is called so just incase you want some  links to read more literature click here.   So, I read a myth about Thor. The story was about his hammer being stolen. Evidence of a myth is Thor can only hold his hammer and he dressed up like a princess and none of this stuff happened. In another story I read about Perseus and Medusa. In this story Medusa ha snakes for hair and turns people to stone when she looks at them this is definitely not humanly possible. Greek gods are something I do not believe because Greek gods do stuff that is not possible. Another reason I believe this is a myth is because uasually kings do not ask for head that are stone.


Myth: A widely held but false belief or idea.


P.S That definition is not my words.


My words: a false story of a idea that someone had or has.


Two bad Ants (MY VERSION!)


One day My brother and I woke up and had a big day planned. My brother started to travel as we were climbing some big hill. I ended up in a big bucket of crystals. “Its Glorious!” I exclaimed. “Its delicious!” Said my brother. “We shall bring them back to them to the queen.” I said. “After we cause some mischief!” I added.  My brother and I ended up in this big river that was piping hot. Then there was an earth quake and the glass started to tilt. I was frightened so, I jumped out and was in a place that was furry. It was in a cage and kids were starting to grab  this round animal . I quick and unexpectedly fell off after the animal rapidly ran around the cage. I somehow ended up in a square water fall and I was scared by the soapy hand that was under the water fall. I started to head out after the mischief was done then suddenly a big clear glass was  shut in front of my face! Then I said, “Lets go to the next big clear, glass thing.” Sure enough it was opened and I crawled right out of the clear, glass thing and I stuffed my my hands with crystals as my brother did the same .  We headed back out to the queen. She asked, “Where have you been?” “Causing mischief.” I answered. “Good children.” She said. “Now here are you crystals.”  ” Oh my dear goodness.” They lived happily after.



Lately in school I have been learning about theme. the is the message or lesson in the story or paragraph. For example: in a story  a girl waits to the last minute to do her report and she gets an F. The theme in the story is that she was not responsible. I find theme a cool subject in school.

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Story Chain


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This week my class was assigned a blogging challenge. The challenge is to make a story chain. A story chain is when Someone starts  the story and down in the comments you comment what happens next. If you see someone has already commented you have to comment on that and so on. Please don’t make the story end in  the fourth comment.


One  day a puppy was asked to do a big job. His name was  Beau. Beau needed other peoples opinion. Beau asked every dog in the neighborhood and he was grossed out when he had to ask a cat. His job was to be the neighborhood watch dog. His choice was to live with his family full time or get paid 23 dollars for an hour each day.  Beau still is struggling  to  yes or no. ”Maybe” Beau said…

Hour of Code


I have been learning about hour of code and what it is. One thing I have learned  is hour of code is the code when you click on something is causes something to happen. For example: I clicked on Google. I searched  pizza. This makes the first picture show up as pepperoni pizza. To make that happen Someone has created  A code that means the first image is  pepperoni pizza. To learn more about code I played this game at code.com be careful you have to be really spacific  and don’t get mad it takes a lot of working. And think about it you are learning about code we’ll code is working to make you play this game. Click on the link down below to play the game.



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Rock Star Chart


The rock star chart is a system in our class room . The way it goes is welcome, good, great, excellent, and last but not least Rock Star. I have made rock star a lot. To move up you have either participate, walk quietly in the hall, Help your friends, clean trash in the hall, and I’m sure there is other things to. If you make rock star you get bonus bucks witch I will talk about in  my post called Bank Day that eventually I will make. at the end of the day our class finalizes the rock star chart but my teacher may move you up to rock star. My teacher will say your name to move up and you get to move your star.  You can move up at special too. When our Music, gym, art, or library tells my teacher we can all move up we get a  tally witch is worth one minute to our game on Friday.

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How to chage the color of your dashboard


To change the color of your dashboard The first thing you do is go to the top right corner and click on edit profile. Then click on one of the colors and that will show up  on your dashboard. In the colors come to pairs like mine is red and orange but I changed it to purple and green. The color combinations are really good and that’s how you change the color of your dashboard.

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